Fishing this morning

Fishing this morning

This morning I had an opportunity to get out on the water for a few hours with Captain Jared Cyr. Our plan was to “fun fish”, codespeak for push one another around.

We started near to Key West, and Jared had a decent shot at a single permit that disappeared in the early glare. Following that we found a few permit that spooked off the boat, and then Jared took me to a place where he had found some tarpon the day before. They were mixed in with barracuda, and while we had a few shots at smaller tarpon it was hard to tell them apart. I took a shot at fish we thought were barracuda, but turned out to be tarpon. Luckily, I had a tarpon fly on and it didn’t take long to realize that these particular smudges were the nicer of the two options. After missing it once the little pon did it again and this time sealed the deal. I caught a nice 30 pound tarpon, and then Jared finished the flat on the bow.

Following this, we left for another area where Jared had found some permit. They were there in great supply, though unfortunately knotted up as a single group. Jared had two casts at them that didn’t make the grade before they blew out.

After this we went to two more places, never getting another shot.

That’s it for the moment. Again, while I don’t have any fishing scheduled between now and the end of the month I’m sure I’ll find a way to get something done and write it up.


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Nathaniel Linville

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