Tarpon fishing yesterday

Tarpon fishing yesterday

Yesterday I fished with Michael Driscoll, an old friend from up north, and captain Lenny Leonard. Our target was tarpon.

We started looking in places that they should be, and while we had excellent reason to believe that the pons would be there with us we found none. In the morning four, I hooked a nice barracuda on my tarpon fly that jumped and spit the hook. Additionally, I caught a yellow jack from a school that slid by the boat as we searched for our target species.

Our not-finding-fish didn’t last through the afternoon, as Lenny took us far away for some fish he had found the day prior. We began seeing some groups in the glare, and while we didn’t have much real estate (or geometry) to work with, it was encouraging enough for us to stick with it. In three hours, despite far less than perfect angles and areas, we were able to get two bites–one from me and one from Michael. We left for the dock earlier than I imagine Lenny and Michael (who went back out fishing until past midnight with David Nelson, freshly arrived from the North Country) wanted, as I had a dinner plan with Fitz and Friends.

Tomorrow and the next day I’m fishing with Chis Robinson, and while the weather looks dodgy we will likely try to make something happen.



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Nathaniel Linville

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