Some photos of the last few days, fishing tomorrow

Some photos of the last few days, fishing tomorrow

Here are some photos of my day last week with Jim Vincent and Lenny Leonard:

Additionally, I fished two nights ago with Lenny Leonard. We left the dock at 8:15, and as the tide died we had fish around the boat but couldn’t get one to bite. After a few hours we finally hooked a fish, which I was able to fight to the boat and remove the hook from. We watched the big fish swim off after a kiss goodnight. Incidentally, this was a great break-in opportunity for my new Mako shirt, which was generously given to me by my good friend Al Petkus. While the logo isn’t visible, you get the idea:

Tomorrow I fish with Aaron Snell and we are in full-scale pursuit of the six. A report will follow of course.



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Nathaniel Linville

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