Flats report/new shark record

Flats report/new shark record

The reports have been filtering through over the last few days for all things not permit: by far the most intriguing is the number of aggresive blacktip sharks–one of which we had the occasion to toss an ancillary jack to during the Merkin. These fish are so awesome it’s hard to believe. Barracuda, jacks, and sharks have been ruling the flats during the colder (though not much) water temperatures.
In other news, the IGFA has approved our application for a 78 pound lemon shark (these fish are classified under the “whaler shark” category at the IGFA), caught on 2 pound tippet in November with Captain Aaron Snell and with the help of Captains Brian and Travis Holeman.
Thank you captain Aaron Snell for another incredible capture!
A photograph of the release is here:

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Nathaniel Linville

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