Flats improvement, waiting on the weather

Flats improvement, waiting on the weather

Today is certainly warmer (74 (f) at the moment) than yesterday, which had temperatures in the high 60’s (f) for most of the day. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer still, with Monday and Tuesday returning to our pre-front air and water temps. From what I hear from those on the water today the tarpon have not left, though there are fewer around and they are in deeper water. I have yet to hear a report from anyone chasing permit and/or bonefish. The weather should be improving daily!
As I mentioned in the report yesterday, this bodes well for fishing this coming week.
We look forward to seeing you all in the shop tomorrow night for the pre-Film-Tour cocktail hour, and good luck to all anglers and captains in the March Merkin.
I will do my best to keep this blog running during the tournament, but I may be unable to do so.
Good luck and tight lines,


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Nathaniel Linville

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