Colder weather/theoretical ramble

Colder weather/theoretical ramble

The high today was in the high 60’s (f), and with that the fish on the flats are taking a break. The good news is that the weather is forecasted to warm up over the weekend, with a return to our pre-front highs by Sunday.
This is good news, and a cold front may even re-charge the flats and the permit fishing could be phenomenal during the March Merkin.
It seems to me that the flats fishing is almost always better when the fish return to the flats after a period of absence than when they have been there for an extended period. This might have to do with the fact that the fish are more hungry after moving around, that the bait/forage is more available in the areas the predator fish prefer (filling in during the lack of predation), or simply that the fishing is highlighted by my own excitement. The reality is probably an amalgam of all of these.

Pre-fish for the Merkin begins on Monday, and don’t forget to stop by the shop on Sunday for the pre-Fly Fishing Film Tour cocktail party. Beer is at 6:30 (yep, in the spirit of spring brreak we got a keg!), and get your tickets beforehand at the Tropic Cinema down the block.



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Nathaniel Linville

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