The Diablo Crab/Gary Jennings Sail

The Diablo Crab/Gary Jennings Sail

One of my favorite flies for permit is Dave Skok’s Diablo Crab.

This pattern sinks well, looks like a crab or a shrimp, and “puffs” out a little bit when it sits on the bottom.
This fly caught 3 bonefish, 3 tarpon, and a permit in a single day–the only modification was removing the weight for tarpon.
As you can see from the following photgraph, this pattern can be tied in a variety of sizes, weights and colors.

The weather is looking warm for the next week or so, and maybe longer depending on when we get our next cold front. Of course, this is what we have been waiting for–warm water, fishing.
Also, why not see a picture of Gary Jennings holding a sweet sailfish?

Tight lines,

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Nathaniel Linville

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