A found push pole, some photographs

A found push pole, some photographs

Lily Cardenas found a pushpole…unkown make/model, but if you lost one please contact me here at the shop and I’ll get you some information.
In other news, the evening tarpon fishing has been great, as well as some good tailing permit and bonefish in the gloaming.
You can see a picture here of David Miller, fishing the other night in front of a wicked beautiful (that’s right….I spent some time in Boston…) sunset. David and I each caught a fish Sunday night, and left some very happy and plentiful tarpon to call it a night.

Additionally, Aaron sent me another good photograph of the fish I landed with him last week. This is exactly what NOT to do, though bear in mind that no rods were harmed for this photograph.

The fishing remains good, and I have been invited by David Weeks to fish on Thursday with Captain Will Benson. Of course, a full report will follow (with photographs, hopefully).



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Nathaniel Linville

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