August Fishing/Superfly/SLAM

August Fishing/Superfly/SLAM

My apologies for the lack of updates lately….on to the business at hand:

Our mid to late summer fishing has been great, though a glut of warm weather and difficult tides during the heat of the day lately has made for a few abbreviated trips that ended in a cold cocktail. So far the tarpon fishing is still strong, though as is always the case the average size of a hooked fish has been reduced. What is most exciting is the evening and late afternoon tailing parmit/bonefish fshing, coupled with the upcoming Superfly Tournament followed by the Redbone SLAM coming up from 9 to 12 September. As was the case last year, here at TAC we are sponsoring the Superfly tournament, and updates will follow.

Tight lines!!


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Nathaniel Linville

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