Carpathian Battle in NYC (complete with bows and arrows!), tomorrow

Carpathian Battle in NYC (complete with bows and arrows!), tomorrow

These reports have been quiet recently, since I was attending a wedding in New York over the last few days. That said, I have great news to report: David Nelson and I made it to a reservoir after the wedding and were able to get some carp fishing in.
Despite very high water, we were able to find a group of three carp digging away under a branch on the shoreline. On a fancy dangle cast, I was able to hook a fish that quickly broke me off on 5# tippet when the line became ensnared on the branch. Despite this, the other two fish remained where they were and I was able to get another one hooked and clear to the reel (this time stepping it up to 10# tippet in hopes of landing one) and fought it nearly to us before the hook pulled.
Following this, we came across a single fish laid up along the bank. Upon my approach the fish decided to leave, most likely sensing something was wrong. In what was perhaps the luckiest cast I’ve ever made, I was able to bow-and-arrow the little fly in front of the fish and get him to eat it on the first strip. This fish was brought to hand, and David and I called it a day.

Tomorrow I fish with Dave Dalu and Justin Rea, and I can’t wait to get back on the water.

Friday I’m with Bruce Chard and Adam Tondu, Sunday with Joe Rodriguez looking for the 6. Reports to follow.


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Nathaniel Linville

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