Channel Widening, not now….hopefully not ever

Channel Widening, not now….hopefully not ever

There has been a lot of discussion lately about widening the Key West Channel in order to accommodate bigger cruise ships. Beyond a personal feeling that I would rather have fish than large vessels and the attendant passengers they transport in our channel, I agree with the majority of residents here: we have enough cruise ship traffic.
On Tuesday night, there was a city hall meeting to discuss whether this should be put to a vote. Incidentally, the language that would have appeared on the bill was “do you support widening the Key West Deep Water Channel for safety reasons?” or some such nonsense. Not that it would cost many millions of dollars in order to study the potential effects, or that we would in fact be dredging into a National Marine Sanctuary in order to do so.
The commissioners and Mayor Cates did a great job, and did not allow this issue to proceed. The Angling Company would like to thank them for their time and effort, as well as their willingness to stand behind this community. Job well done.


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Nathaniel Linville

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