Current Conditions, Fishing Before Belize

Current Conditions, Fishing Before Belize

It’s been a great week of traveling and fishing in Belize with Kat and Eworth Garbutt. As we’ve done the last few years, we took a week away from the shop and made it down to spend some time permit fishing in new waters with and old friend.

I have much to report from the trip, including a pending ladies’ world record permit caught by Kat, and I’ll get to that as soon as I can. For the moment, I’ll get back into the swing of things with the report that I couldn’t post before I left of the evening spent fishing with Ian Slater and John O’Hearn the evening before we took off for Belize.

Our fishing started at 3 PM, and our plan was to fish until we couldn’t see any more. Given the rarity of getting John out in the evenings, as well as the added optimism having two guides on the boat instead of just one, we were hoping for a little more glory than we found. In between the storm clouds and in the presence of few permit we pieced together a few shots before night fell, though our hopes of tailing fish in the failing light were never realized.

The next morning we left for Belize, and I’ll try to get that report up in the next few days. As far as current conditions are concerned, things are sitting squarely in the late summer groove. Said groove is maybe overworked at the moment, and a cold front is the next major event that will bring things back into rhythm. I do know that there are some permit out there, having just taken a few hours to go look for some yesterday afternoon with Ian. We couldn’t put one on the board, though we had a few unfolding opportunities we couldn’t get the creases out of.

Tuesday I’m fishing with John O’Hearn as Ted Margo’s guest, and we’ll be throwing 2lb to make ourselves crazy. Report from that trip (and Belize 2016) to follow.



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Nathaniel Linville

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