Current fishing update

Current fishing update

I haven’t been fishing for a while, having had some minor surgery in the beginning of the month, though I’m getting back into the swing of things and have a fair amount of time on the water coming up. I’m again fishing the Fall Fly with Brandon Cyr, and looking forward greatly to the opportunity to get back on the water after a break for recovery.
The water has been hot, which has been a topic of concern lately, and the hope is that the nearby hurricane building in the Gulf will shake things up and clear out some of the algae that’s been propagating.
In other fishing related news, I’m actually going to spend a fair amount of time permit fishing this fall, which will be a ton of fun. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to chase them around, and I’ve decided to spend a (hopefully sufficient) amount of time getting after the 4# tippet record with John O’Hearn this fall. The plan is to spend close to 30 days chasing it, and we’ll be joined by Zach Stells for moral and landing support, and the math is at least in our favor for success with the number of days we have booked.
I’m looking forward to all of the fishing I have planned, and reports will follow for sure.


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Nathaniel Linville

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