Current weather, Friday offshore

Current weather, Friday offshore

It’s cold, that’s for sure. While this little front is scheduled to leave in the next few days, the sub-60 degree weather is shocking, especially after such a mild (and tarpon filled) winter. On Wednesday I leave for 3 days in the Everglades with Joe Rodriguez in pursuit of the 6, and the high is supposed to be around 80 degrees through Saturday. Hopefully we’ll get some shots at large creatures–if not we’ll find something else to chase I’m sure.
Friday I went offshore with Aaron for an afternoon. We knew the tarpon would be around, but elected to check offshore before tarpon season begins in earnest. We found pilchards and threw them generously, though our fishing never really turned on until we were out of bait and it was time to go home.
We did enjoy throwing flies at some very large jack crevalle, one of which I hooked and was dispatched by the attendant bull shark. Aaron had a few shots at a large kingfish that dropped by to inspect our situation, but we did not hook him.
Here’s to the warmth and tarpon.



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Nathaniel Linville

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