Everglades report

Everglades report

We left early on Monday to get to the Flamingo ramp by 6:30. Andy put us on fish, though none appeared to be of sufficient size for our intended goal of breaking the 6 lb record. By 11:30, boxed in by storms and feeling the electricity in the air, we elected to take it to the ramp. Not five minutes after we got in the car, the skies opened up and the day was over in Flamingo. That afternoon, Andy took us out in his airboat for a tour of the Glades–if you haven’t been out in an airboat I seriously recommend doing it–your inner redneck will thank you!
Andy and I in the airboat:

Day 2:
After battling the mosquitos and horseflies at the ramp, we left Flamingo at 6:30. We checked a few edges and found nothing, then braved the wind and increasingly toothy waves and found our way to a leeward edge a few miles west. After an hour, not a single tarpon. We left and returned to the areas near the ramp and went through them one by one, hoping for our fish. By noon, Andy verbalized what we all were thinking: this is not the time. We pulled the boat and launched in Biscayne Bay to look for bonefish. After a few hours of tough visibility and some more weather approaching, we met up with Julian Roberts and Captain Joe Rodriguez for the customary “meeting of the minds”, swapped some fish stories, and gave the bonefish one last push before calling it a day. While we did not cature one, we did get a few shots at large tailing fish before we left.
The meeting:

The next morning we fished in Biscayne Bay once more, and more tough weather arriced. Between the wind and the cloud cover it was more than difficult but Aaron managed to catch a bonefish. If I hadn’t dropped the fish before Aaron could get the camera ready I would share a picture, but it seems that my bonefish ninja skills were maxed out last week with David Dalu and John O’Hearn. We called it an early day and returned home.
I wish that I had more photos, stories, and a record application to fill out, but that’s just the way these things go.



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Nathaniel Linville

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