Everglades with Aaron and Andy: Part 2

Everglades with Aaron and Andy: Part 2

We arrived at our next stop and didn’t find the fish immediately. Andy pulled out his binoculars, and in short order spotted a few groups of happy rollers in the distance, so we fired up the motor and headed over that way to capture them. Incidentally, I noticed something about binoculars–I feel like they add legitimacy to almost anything, so I need to get a pair.
When we stopped, we found many schools of very happy tarpon.

Despite the grass in the water, our biggest problem was seeing the fish. This led to more than a few shots that were long and blew fish out,

though we did manage to dry many of them off:

A note about these fish that’s worth mentioning: given the size of the groups we were throwing to, we had many smaller fish (still decent but not 6 lb record potential) mixed in. They were more aggressive, and every one of these fish (with the exception of a smaller one that we had next to the boat in short order in an attempt to get our fly and carefully tied tippet back before the hook pulled) was broken off after a few jumps for the camera.

More drying off on Part 3….

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Nathaniel Linville

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