Fishing with Ian Slater and Joe Skrumbellos

Fishing with Ian Slater and Joe Skrumbellos

Earlier in the week I fished for a day with Ian Slater and Joe Skrumbellos. We took my boat, which was slightly overkill for permit fishing, though we had to let the beast stretch its legs since it’s been idle since before Irma. I was looking forward to the day fishing with Joe, who has become a friend through the tournaments–not to mention someone I look up to as a great angler who has no fewer than two first place finishes in the Del Brown Permit Tournament to his credit.

We started early, though were slowed considerably on our departure by the separation of my boat from its key on its northern journey away from Irma. Once the two pieces were together it didn’t take us long to get the boat wet, and though the clouds were in fluffy (and annoying) effect we took ourselves to where the fish might be and went through the motions.

I don’t have a lot of specifics to report from the day (mostly thanks to the clouds), though there were a few notable events. I botched a few shots, and poled Joe to a hook up from a tailing permit that rushed the boat and freed itself before the barb could be buried. We fished through a very slow day other than this near miss, though at the end of the day found a few tailing fish to throw at. Ian wandered off to find himself among a school of suspended permit while Joe and I hung back and took what we could find. Each of us had a number of opportunities, and though none of us hooked up it was a fantastic way to finish the day.

I’d also like to mention how great it was to fish with Joe Skrumbellos, who was an awesome guest. It’s not often that people so accomplished are as humble as he, and both his permit fishing results and calm approach to process are things worth looking up to. Spending the day on the water with him and Ian was a treat, and I’m looking forward to fishing with them both more in the years to come.

Chad Huff is currently on his way down here, and we’ve got John O’Hearn on our team for the next two days to throw our 2lb weight around. More to come, as always.



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Nathaniel Linville

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