Fishing Last Night

Fishing Last Night

Last night Aaron and I went off for a tactical tarpon mission–he had seen some fish and we wanted to get after some bigger fish at night, something we hadn’t done in a while.
We waited for the rain to clear and headed out. Aaron caught a small fish in short order while we waited for the tide to turn. Later we left for our first-choice spot, and in no time we saw a few fish roll.
It took only 20 minutes before I hooked a large animal, and we dropped the anchor ball to give chase. 15 minutes later we had the fish next to the boat, where Aaron snapped this photo (sans flash):

We fished for another 30 minutes before calling it a night, arriving at the dock just as the rain clouds returned and began dumping.

It was nice to finally pull on a fish, as I’ve been unable to for so long on 6!

The weather looks good for the next week or so, and I’m looking forward to three days in the Everglades with Captain Joe Rodriguez starting on 15 February.


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Nathaniel Linville

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