Fishing last two days

Fishing last two days

Earlier this week, I fished with John O’Hearn and Jim Linville, my father. If you keep up with these reports, it’s been a long while since he’s made the journey south to fish in the Keys. Needless to say, I was happy to be in the company of my dad and spend a few days on the water with him.

We started out looking for a school of jacks with which to play. This took longer than we had hoped but did provide no small amount of fun and action when John found them. We caught jacks, blue runners and grey snapper–typical winter fun fish to pass the time.
Following this we decided to look for permit, and this turned out to be far less than action-packed. I had a singe shot, and then we became distracted by the sharks that were shadowing us. We threw at them for an hour, never getting a bite, before we left for parts closer to Key West. After another permitless (officially now a word) flat, we looked for some bonefish and barracuda. I had two shots and caught one:

Following that we caught a nice barracuda and had another bonefish shot before heading home. Before we gave up completely, however, we took a last look for tarpon, finding none.

We didn’t fish where we did the day before, though we were nearby. The first thing we did was spend a great few hours catching barracuda–good fun, and exactly what we needed before spending another 5 hours permit fishing, grinding out a few shots but no bites.

I’d like to mention what a pleasure it was to spend some time on the water with my father, and I hope he visits again soon.

Next week I’ve got a couple of days with Will.



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Nathaniel Linville

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