fishing on Monday with Chris McCreedy

fishing on Monday with Chris McCreedy

Monday I fished with Captain Chris McCreedy. We were coming off of a one-day cold snap the week prior, and while it was warm the fish seemed hesitant to return to the flats as they had the week before. This was most likely due to the wind, which blew a steady 20 for us all day. Hats off (almost literally, more than once) to Chris for sticking with the breeze, especially on a long push into its teeth at the end of the day that resulted in our only decent shot and a bite from a big tarpon.
We didn’t see much, but stuck with it and did the grind for a bite–a success by any measure.

last night I fished the dock lights near Key West and caught a 30 pound fish, so that was fun.

tomorrow and the next day I’m on the water, reports to follow.


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Nathaniel Linville

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