Fishing this morning

Fishing this morning

This morning I fished with Aaron Snell. I must say that it felt great to get out there, as I haven’t been fishing since the weather went poor on the 19 and got better a few days ago.
We left relatively early, and found a few fish at our first stop. I had a great look from a laid up fish that was facing away from us (been working on my curve cast…not as great as I’d like it), though when the fish spun on the fly it lost interest when it saw the skiff.
Next, we went to the ocean and immediately had a string come across the flat. We needed two shots to get one to eat, as the first was foiled by grass. I set the hook on a sippy surface eat, and even though I tried to stay tight the fly came out on a head shake when the fish took off.
Our next shot produced another bite, and the same thing went wrong: a sip, a set, and then my fly went flying.
Just as we were settling in to their line, the cloud factory finished its latest batch of iClouds and we were blacked out. We stayed on the edge of a large white spot, hoping to see a string come through it; all we saw was a permit which fled (with great enthusiasm) as soon as it saw our fly.
We returned to our first spot and threw at a group of small tarpon, one of which ate the fly. This time, keenly aware that the hook-up market was in a recession, the fly came out before the fish probably knew it had erred. Such is life, though it would have been nice to dry the little guy off.
We left for another spot, only to give up after 20 minutes of not finding any creatures.
We poled an entire channel edge on the way home, hoping to find a permit (and begin to pre-fish for the upcoming Del Brown) but found none. At 12:45 we left and headed home.
Maybe today wasn’t the most epic, but it was great to get out there–especially since the last thing I want to do is fish with John O’Hearn on Tuesday and have to renovate my skills. More to come after Tuesday.


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Nathaniel Linville

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