Fishing with Chris McCreedy and Fitz last week

Fishing with Chris McCreedy and Fitz last week

Earlier this week, I fished with Chris McCreedy and Fitz Coker. Since Fitz is leaving for Montana shortly, the window for us to hang out in is rapidly shrinking. Even though the weather had been windy and cloudy and rainy (driving more than a few people batty over the last few weeks) we decided to go anyway.
We began in our first spot, waiting for a tide change to happen and bring with it animals. One came, and while I saw the fish roll we were never able to see the fish in the water. We went to our second spot and again were plagued by clouds–we didn’t have a shot and decided to look elsewhere.
Finally, we found some white sand along a large channel, and Chris poled the entire edge of the channel while we waited for a shot. I managed to hook (and soon thereafter release)a decent barracuda. Soon after this we called it a day and headed home.

Tomorrow I’m headed to fish with Ted Margo and Sandy Horn. Wednesday with John O’Hearn and Ted Margo, Saturday with Chris McCreedy and Kathryn, Monday with Aaron.

More to come, obviously.


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Nathaniel Linville

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