Fishing with John on Monday

Fishing with John on Monday

Monday I was invited by Ted Margo to fish with him and Captain John O’Hearn.
Our plan was to catch bonefish, and John took us to a flat 20 minutes from the ramp and in short order Ted was fishing. It didn’t take long for a school of bonefish to show up, and even less time for Ted’s ninja skills to get him hooked up. The problem was that, despite the aforementioned ninja skills, Ted had wound the gel spun on his reel very loosely. This required that he let the little bonefish run the loose wraps off before he could get about retrieving it. As such, the little bonefish became barracuda food.
The next two places we stopped were devoid of bonefish (see also: dearth of bonefish), and John made the decision to run to some new areas for some scouting.
We hopped from spot to spot, and while I was up in one of them I had a good shot at a very large permit that acted nonplussed about our merkin. Later, I had another shot at a large tailing fish that spooked when the fly landed, and that was our day.
As is always the case, I had a great time with John and Ted, and I just spoke with the latter and he informed me that he hooked a large permit today but lost it on a trout set.
Here’s wishing John and Ted god luck tomorrow, and I’ll have another report up after Monday when I fish with Captain Justin Rea. Our target will be permit.


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Nathaniel Linville

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