Fishing with Zach

Fishing with Zach

With the March Merkin starting Tuesday, I’ve been fishing very little as Kat prepares for the tournament with Doug Kilpatrick. Since the Cuda Bowl, in fact, I’ve only been able to get out on the water a single day. This isn’t much, but that’s about to change: once the tournament is over, I’m on relatively long stretch of fishing for the next three months, culminating in the Gold Cup. I’ve got a day with Zach Stells in the middle of it, but the rest of the time I’m going to be with Ian trying to get ourselves into game mode for the upcoming tournaments.
Zach and I did have the chance to get out last week, and while we looked briefly for permit we decided instead to devote most of our time to tarpon fishing. It was about as much fun as we could stand, finding some large fish lazing around and throwing some new flies at them in an effort to try something different. We hooked three, losing them all before we got close enough to take the hook out, but nonetheless it was a perfect day of fishing without any pressure to do anything except trying new flies and looking in new places.
As far as the permit fishing goes, it’s been a grind for everyone from what I can tell. A front is arriving in the middle of the March Merkin, despite the last two months of stable warm weather, which should make things interesting but oddly familiar for a tournament that seems plagued by bad weather. I’ll get results up as soon as I can afterwards.

More to come,


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Nathaniel Linville

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