Fishing yesterday

Fishing yesterday

Yesterday I fished with Captain Will Benson alongside David Weeks. We left at 8:30, and very soon after had a great shot at a large permit. David then took a crack at a single bonefish, and we moved along to find some schools of bonefish over white sand. Quite quickly, we boated a small bonefish and Will took some pictures; if I can get them out of him I’ll surely post them here.
Following that, we found a large school of tarpon in some deeper water with a group of permit mixed in; even though I am consistently less than thrilled with permit (especially their behavior as it pertains to catching them on a fly pole…), watching them feed on the surface is thrilling to say the least. We hooked a few tarpon in the channel, and then moved to the ocean to attempt more tarpon capture.
After a few hours of good shots at tarpon, we tried to catch a permit again. After a good shot that didn’t produce, we saw some more tarpon and ended our day with Will catching a large fish from a school that he spotted while giving some casting tips on the bow.
All in all, a phenomenal say with great people; all the more reason to get out there and try to capture.



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Nathaniel Linville

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