fishing yesterday

fishing yesterday

Yesterday was a great day on the water, though capture eluded us. We began west, and threw at a number of disinterested fish. Following that, we looked for a more willing partcipant in a bonefish; though we saw a few, we didn’t get a shot. Farther east we had a great shot at a group of 3 permit, though in typical fashion they looked at the fly and thought better of it.
Finishing up our day, we had a few more shots at tarpon on the ocean, though seeing them was tough in the late day glare.
A long day, to be sure, and another planned for tomorrow, when Fitz Coker and I are planning on capturing a blacktip shark on 1 kg.
If we succeed, we may spend a few hours later in the day chasing tarpon–a report will surely follow.



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Nathaniel Linville

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