Fishing yesterday with Fitz

Fishing yesterday with Fitz

Fitz and I left yesterday at around 2:30 for an afternoon of fishing. When we left the dock clouds covered the sun in every direction; by the time we passed through the channel it was clearing. And in 30 minutes, when we arrived at our destination, there was not a single cloud in the sky.
We were shark fishing, and after deploying the chum and seeing a few monsters, staked off the boat and prepared the fly rod. The sharks, however, had a different plan in mind. While they arrived and appeared interested, we couldn’t get a single fish to open its mouth–for our flies, to start, and even for a piece of bonita when we tried that. The fish were, quite literally, running away from our offerings.
One fish did appear in our slick and expressed a great interest in our pushpole, racing up to it and biting it before running away.
We fished for a few hours and left, hooking nothing. A great day (it always is with Fitz) and one that leaves me even more excited for my upcoming three days in Chokoloskee with Steve Huff. I leave Sunday and fish through to Wednesday, so a report will follow–complete with pictures courtesy of Aaron Snell, who is coming with.



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Nathaniel Linville

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