Flats and permit/fly tying materials

Flats and permit/fly tying materials

The water has been warming for the last week and a half, and we are still waiting for the next few degrees to push things over the top. Not that the fishing isn’t amazing, it’s just that we’re missing the few degrees needed to transcend the ordinary and make the fishing extra(forgive me)ordinary. What’s prevented this from happening is the North wind, which keeps things a touch cooler than a southeast breeze. Which we had today (anyone see where this is going?)
Tomorrow and the next few days should be great. I’m out on the water all day tomorrow with John Ain, and I will have at the very least a comprehensive report to follow.
On a unrelated note, I spoke with Dave Skok (our fly tier and friend from Winthrop MA, known for his recent contribution to the permit fishing in the Keys with his Diablo Crab) who just returned from the Bear’s Den fly show. He was able to get some incredibly high-quality marabou and schlappen feathers and will set about dying them in good tan Keys colors and plans on sending them down. These are of course essential components for good Keys permit and tarpon flies. If you’re interested, call or email the shop and I’ll put you on the list.
That’s all for now, tight lines to everyone.



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Nathaniel Linville

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