Flats fishing for tarpon/bonefish/PM tarpon

Flats fishing for tarpon/bonefish/PM tarpon

Last night I finally broke through a dry spell; ever since I got blanked shark fishing on Tuesday, and had a rough morning fish yesterday, I needed to capture. The fishing last night never really went past perhaps 6/10, though I was able to hook a nice tarpon of about 30 lbs and bring it to the boat for a proper release. A small fish, yes, but much needed and greatly appreciated. Following that I hooked a large fish with a spinning rod and handed it off to Kay, a friend of Michael’s. She fought the fish for a while, though eventually passed the rod. I lasted less time than she did, and Michael finally finished the fight with a satisfying “pop” of the braid breaking. I must say; sometimes it’s fine by me to break off a fish in order to look for one that isn’t trying to sulk under the boat. A great evening and (hopefully) an end to my lack of recent mojo.
Today Michael Driscoll fished with Captain Lenny Leonard in the morning before I joined them around 3 pm. Apparently they had decent laid up fishing, though were not able to get the fish to eat. At 3, I left with them and also had a few good shots at fish until the glare took over, making it simply too hard to see the fish.
Later we watched the sun go down while covering water in a channel, swinging a fly down to rolling fish. It didn’t take long before Michael hooked a tarpon (his first of this trip), and in short order put it next to the boat for me to grab. Job well done, Michael!
Yesterday, I received a report that there were some bonefish around at the Marquesas (that almost feels too specific, until I realize there are basically always “some bonefish around at the Marquesas”…)
Here’s a photo of the bonefish I received from Captain Aaron Snell:

Tight lines, the weekend looks great!



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Nathaniel Linville

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