Gold Cup Results

Gold Cup Results

There is a longer report due for my fishing with John, though I wanted to get the results of the tournament up here as soon as I had time.

After five incredible days, Captain Joe Rodriguez and Julian Robertson maintained their lead after day 3 for an incredible win with five weight fish and seven releases. I’ve known Joe for a while now and consider him one of my closest personal friends, and I can say honestly that I am incredibly happy for him and Julian. It couldn’t have been a better way for them to win.

In second place was Captain  Dustin Huff and Thane Morgan, and in third was Captain Craig Brewer and Baker Bishop. Big fish honors were secured easily by Captain Jared Raskob and Mark Richens, last year’s grand champions.

Here’s Joe and Julian with the gold cup itself:










I can’t say how proud and happy I am for Joe and Julian–they’ve earned it and deserve it more than anyone.

More to come in a proper report.



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Nathaniel Linville

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