Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Welcome to the new year.

Before the festivities, I fished with Captain Chris Trosset and Caleb (my brother) and his wife Alex. We were joined by Kat, and we all had a great time though the fishing was slow.

We started by throwing tons of bait looking for tunas, but the only thing that came up in the baitfish mayhem was a school of nice yellowtail. We moved three different times before we left our hopes of tuna behind and went in search of a patch reef that would hold some grouper for dinner. As the grouper season is now closed (1 January), this was our last opportunity to get some tasty fillets.

We had no problem catching some legal red groupers, and enjoyed them for dinner.

Two nights ago, I went in search of some small pons for the last day of 2013 to close out the book I’m writing. I hada fe bites but was unable to dry one off.

Monday and Tuesday I’m doing some prefishing for the Cuda Bowl with John Benvenuto, and reports will follow.

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Nathaniel Linville

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