I mean honestly…

I mean honestly…

So this weather continues, and we’re all about sick of it. For such a great year, June has certainly been underwhelming. I lost two days in the middle of this month; the last day that was reasonable was Monday 18 June; nearly ten days ago as I write this. While that’s not a long time (geologically speaking, anyway) it feels like a few weeks have passed since it was sunny.
All that said, the forecast looks like it may clear up towards the end of this week.
My next scheduled day of fishing is, at this point, not until the 15 of July when I begin four days of permit fishing with Aaron in the March Merkin. That said, I’m dying to get out and hope to at least get a morning in–once the clouds go away.

Some people have been braving it, and the fish are still around but hard to see (and cast to in the wind).



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Nathaniel Linville

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