Last week, David Miller, PM pon with Aaron

Last week, David Miller, PM pon with Aaron

These reports have been slow lately, but I’m back in action. Here’s what all has been going on:

Last week (Monday and Tuesday) I fished with Doug Kilpatrick. On Monday I fished alone, and on Tuesday was joined by Kathryn Vallilee.

Monday started out well, as we found some tarpon. I was throwing six, hoping for an early season giant. I hooked a couple smaller fish in the morning before hooking a large animal from a school of fish that looked like it made the stick. We fought it for a little over an hour before we broke the fish off–a result, we assummed, of the light tippet becoming ensnared in the pectoral fins.

Following this we looked longer, though our fishing dried up and we were unable to hook a fish for the rest of the day.

Tuesday we were joined by Kathryn Vallilee who, after a great show the week before with John O’Hearn, was ready for battle. Our fishing didn’t turn on until the afternoon, and I was able to get two bites from fish on 16# though both fell off. Kathryn hooked and released a 50 pound tarpon, which we nearly had next to the boat for photos before the fish wore through the class.

I caught a jack, which was a nice surprise:

and with that we called it a day.

Wednesday, I was invited by my good friend David Miller to join him on the water for a day with Captain Mike Gorton. We were on the fish, though they were fussy: despite many shots, we were only able to get a single sippy bite from a volunteer. We had a few permit shots, though none (as is unfortunately typical of the breed) wanted to play.

After this three-day run, I took a few days off to work. Aaron Snell called me on Tuesday, mentioning that there was a possibility of finding some pons in the evening hours. At 6 on Tuesday, Kathryn and I hopped in to the skiff with Aaron and set forth into the evening hours to dry a few off. Our action was consistent, fun, and well worth the effort. In three hours we dried nearly a dozen, and got the leader-release on a few each. A highlight was the large fish I had the opportunity to get into the water with as we released it. Holding a large fish in the current and watchng it swim away is not something that I have ever stopped shaking over, and this time was no different:

Yesterday, after the cold front came through the day prior, I fished with John O’Hearn for our last day of fishing before the March Merkin. The wind was howling and the air was cooler than it had been lately, though we elected to try our best and stick it through. On the two great shots we had, we very nearly made it happen: each of the two was interested, elevated, and willing to do everything except make us totally and completely happy for braving the elements.

Monday and Tuesday with Aaron Snell, Tuesday we will be joined by Kathryn. The week after is the March Merkin. Reports (hopefully with more frequency) and photos will follow.


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Nathaniel Linville

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