night fishing report/conditions on the flats

night fishing report/conditions on the flats

so last night wasn’t the amazing tarpon bonanza I’d anticipated, though we did see a few fish. Alex Powers had a tarpon blow up on a surface fly while swinging it in the current in a Gulf-side channel mouth and that was the extent of our ohysical interaction with the poon.
That said, the conditions on the flats are still great and the permit fishing is taking front stage. As I’ve mentioned in previous reports I am fishing with John Ain on Tuesday and should have a first hand report to turn in soon thereafter. Here’s what I know about yesterday: fishing with Captain Justin Rea, Alex hooked two permit. One was not hooked and the other hooked too hard, resulting in a break off, but that’s still a good day on the water.
Today Alex is out with Aaron Snell, and I have yet to get a capture status update. I’m hoping for good news on that front.
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Tight lines,


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Nathaniel Linville

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