Tarpon (and other stuff too)

Tarpon (and other stuff too)

Yes, it’s true. Fly anglers in the lower Keys are casting to, hooking, and reeling in tarpon. While this is not intended to draw attention away from the permit and bonefish fishing that is also here and amazing, it’s just nice that we are catching tarpon in February. Welcome back while the weather lasts, buddies!
I’m headed out tonight after work for a few hours to see if we can capture some night-feeders, and I’ll have the full report tomorrow.
Good luck to everyone on the water, and we’ll try to get some tarpon photos up as soon as we can. For now, this photo of a Bahamas tarpon will have to suffice.
Tight lines!!!

Also, Captain Ryan Erickson pulling on one.


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Nathaniel Linville

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