Tarpon fishing schedule for the next week

Tarpon fishing schedule for the next week

Tonight I’m fishing with my mother, Vicky Linville, with Captain Lenny Leonard. We hope to find some evening/nighttime fish in the channels and get Ma Linville a fish. Tomorrow I meet Captain Paul Dixon at the shop at 7, and we have a day set aside to do some work on the 3 kg (6 lb) tippet tarpon record pursuit. Wednesday PM, Fitz Coker, Dotty Ballantyne, James and Vicky Linville, and I will all fish with Captain Aaron Snell for tarpon, in what will likely be a shower of scales. Vicky fishes solo with Lenny tomorrow, and James alone with Captain Scott Kolpin on Thursday. Saturday evening I fish with Aaron again and my good friends David and Kendall Miller, who will be in town from Idaho.
Reports and photographs to follow–just letting you all know that at TAC we believe that getting out there is the most important thing any angler can do.
I’m lucky to live here and get to fish with some of the most amazing captains on the planet. Here’s to the guides that make the experience worthwhile. My hat is eternally off to you all.


Nathaniel C. Linville

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