Upcoming Fishing

Upcoming Fishing

Since I haven’t been fishing much, these pages have slowed down lately. I’m here to report that I have a lot of fishing upcoming (and have rescheduled my days with Steve, which were supposed to be taking place at the moment), so stay tuned.

In actual fishing news, I went to a pier last night with Kathryn Vallilee. We were looking for some small tarpon, but instead found a large snook that Kat hooked on fly. It lasted long enough for a jump before spitting the hook, and while it was sad to lose this fish it was incredible to find, let alone hook on fly a large snook from shore. Since in the last ten years my total number of fly-caught snook (TNOFCS) is exactly one, we were sufficiently happy to have interacted with this one.

In upcoming news, I have a lot to do in the next weeks. Monday and Tuesday I’m fishing with John O’Hearn, then Thursday through Saturday I’m fishing in the Cuda Bowl with John Benvenuto. The sunday (2 February) following that I’m headed to the glades to fish with Steve Huff for the six.

More to come, stay tuned.


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Nathaniel Linville

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