Video from New Zealand, update from North Country, Key West fishing

Video from New Zealand, update from North Country, Key West fishing

My apologies for the absence of anything new for the last few days, but I return bearing a gift: a link to a video my brother Caleb shot in New Zealand last December. Watch a big brown trout feeding and a big brother comment on it.
Video Courtesy Vicky and Caleb Linville:

I was in Connecticut for a few days, and can report that fishing (while limited in scope given the nature of my trip) was tough. I did manage to catch a fish one evening with David Nelson… a 4 pound dink that prevented a feeling of complete inadequacy. No photographs, unfortunately.
Things in Key West are great, though we’ve been having a bit of rain for the last week that has made the afternoons tougher. Reports are bonefish and permit in the shallows (pretty typical for this time of year, as well as a few tarpon around. My intentions are to get out as soon as possible, even if only for an evening of chasing tails.

Nathaniel Linville/ TAC

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