Weather/Mola update

Weather/Mola update

The weather today is, to be fair, pretty near to perfect. After a few days of this, we should see some phenomenal tarpon and permit fishing. In fact, I have already heard a few reports of boats that saw tarpon in the channels this morning–the good news is that as long as the weather remains warm it should only get better. An update on the mola-mola I saw yesterday (see fishing report 2/01/2011: A Mystery): it is possible that the hole was cut in it’s fin in order to tow it back out to the open ocean (where it is normally found), as I heard that one had been stranded near Key West not long ago. Still and yet, I cimply cannot imagine why this would be the best way to tow a 500 pound fish through the water. The mystery deepens, and I am looking in to it. I will, of course, keep you posted. I will post some photographs of the fish as soon as I receive them.
Incidentally, my condolences to all of you stuck in the snow. It’s beautiful here and we are looking down the barrel of a seriously beautiful week.
Tight lines,

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Nathaniel Linville

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