Yesterday on the Water in Pursuit of Sharks

Yesterday on the Water in Pursuit of Sharks

Yesterday, I fished with Fitz Coker and Kathryn. With an approaching front, our hopes was to get the best we could out of the deteriorating conditions. For us, this meant that the local blacktip shark population would receive our attention, and we staked off in some great current and deployed a few fresh jacks to lure the teeth toward us.

For an hour we waited, chumming diligently, until our patience died and we left for elsewhere. At our next stop we made every effort to coax an animal into our slick. We failed.

Finally, after lunch and much discussion, we took off for a faraway land and made another slick where Fitz thought there would be at least some lemon sharks. There were not, and even our last ditch attempt to catch a bonnethead shark proved fruitless. We couldn’t even find one to throw at, and by 2 PM we were sufficiently discouraged that we called it a day.

Not every day is perfect, and though I’m feeling down about my fishing over the last few months I’m going to enjoy the turnaround when it comes that much more.

Tomorrow and the next with John O’Hearn, reports will follow.



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Nathaniel Linville

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