Striper of a Lifetime

Striper of a Lifetime

Alex Powers recently emailed me this story and photograph of an incredible catch. Thank you Alex for reminding us why we do it.
Here’s the photo of the striper I caught last Memorial Day.

His account is here:

It took an epoxy sand eel pattern in about 2′ of water – it weighed 25lbs and was 41″ long.

In case you’re interested, here’s how it went down:

Captain Andrew Derr (a good friend and all-around bad-ass fisherman) was guiding me on a blue-bird day off the Eastern end of Long Island. We spotted this fish from about 75 yds away on a very light-bottomed flat and chased it for probably another 75 – 100 yds, before it turned left toward the shore. When it got in too shallow, it turned left again and came back at us. I made a roughly 50 ft cast and landed the fly about 3′ in front of the fish. I let the fly sink down below it’s face and then, as it came over the fly, I gave it two or three quick, short strips. The fish turned aggressively on it but didn’t take it. I paused for second and we all had a perfect view of the fly suspended in the water column, right in front of the fish’s face. Time seemed to stand still and I then gave it one small strip and the fish hoovered the fly, gills flaring. I set the hook as it broke for deeper water and, about 10 minutes later, brought this beautiful female to boat. After a couple of quick photos, I revived her and she swam off.

Truly a moment I will never forget…

Look forward to seeing you next week!

Nicely done, Alex!!

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Nathaniel Linville

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