A bit of cold

A bit of cold

It’s 11:22 in the post-meridian, and I just returned from fishing. My thinking was that the water would still be warm after the light cold front that rolled throuh last night, yet most of the water temperatures we read were between 63 and 66 degrees f.
We marked a few fish in the channels on the electronics, and heard one bust. We spent a good three hours looking, getting cold ourselves, before we took it home. On our way, however, we made it a point to stop and put a few baby tarpon through some “how to eat a fly” training. Good fun, but we’re going to miss the incredible fishing the last five days has offered.
On a different note entirely, I received a bunch of GREAT photographs taken by my mother and brother who returned from New Zealand a few weeks ago. I should be able to get at least a few of those up in the photo gallery tomorrow, and Vicky tells me she’s working up some text to accompany them.
The weather is slated to return to the mid 70′
s tomorrow, but the end of this week may be the last tarpon fishing we have for a while. All things considered, however, we are looking at an early tarpon season and I can’t wait to start posting reports with titles like “slamming them”, “Tarpon Drying themselves off”, and “night fishing report”.
Tight lines,

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Nathaniel Linville

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