Warm again, and trout fishing 101

Warm again, and trout fishing 101

Now I know from a recent conversation with Thomas “Titan of Law” Rapone that the Northeast is in pretty bad shape weather-wise. The weather here, however, is very nice. We had a small front roll through yesterday, and were unable to find any tarpon in the channels (we did, however, get to jump some smaller fish). Additionally, we marked a few so I think there may still be some around once the water warms up today. Today the weather is again phenomenal, though a touch colder (in the mid 70’s) than it was over the weekend. The temperatures are slated to be in the mid to high 70’s for the next few days, until Saturday when it may drop below 70 again. With any luck, I’ll have a night tarpon fishing report that includes some success with larger fish before the end of the week.
In other news, Vicky Linville has finally sent us some photos from her recent trip with son (and architectural wonder) Caleb Linville to New Zealand, where the following sequence of photographs was shot. I know, we’re a salt water shop, but come on….. who wouldn’t want to do this?
Photographs courtesy Caleb Coker Linville.

It’s nice to see someone who knows how to get it done!!!!

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Nathaniel Linville

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