Cold fronts and coffee

Cold fronts and coffee

It’s officially winter; a cold front finally chilled things down for more than a day.
We re-upped our espresso supply; feel free to stop by for one (incidentally, we have no sugar so if you want that better bring your own).
It’s windy and cold out there, which means very little is going on. I had a plan last week to look for some blackfin tuna, but we decided against it due to wind and an approaching cold front.
The six is tabled until our next window of opportunity. I have 3 days in January fishing out of Chokoloskee and about six already on the book for February, and I remain mobile and willing should an opportunity arise before then.

We are caught up with flies (after a pretty serious permit fly shortage….it had something to do with feathers and also something to do with pike….talk to Dave Skok about it….) and have lots of new stuff.

Airflo is shipping us their first batch of clear floating and clear tip foating (finally, someone decided/was able to do this!) lines to us in a week or two; I have a pretty big list going so call if you want in.

New Borski design cotton shirts arrive 15 December; featuring a bonefish. Short and long sleeved.

That’s about all I can stand as far as promotional stuff goes. Here’s to warm weather and large barracuda.


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Nathaniel Linville

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