Current conditions and photos/Hawley results

Current conditions and photos/Hawley results

The skies have been overcast recently, and the seeing has been difficult. However, from what I have heard the fish are still eager to pile on a fly if you can get it in front of them. Today is the first day that has been sunny in a week or so, and as such I imagine that it’s relatively sweet out there. I’m supposed to fish with Fitz and Aaron on Wednesday, and a report will obviously follow.
The following photos were provided to me by Dave Collier from his two days with Aaron Snell:

The Angling Company would like to congratulate Captain Rod Fordyce and his angler Carlos Duncan for their victory in the Don Hawley Invitational Tarpon Tournament. They released 16 fish to win the tournament, and obviously they are super ninja.

That’s all for now, hope you’re reading this after a long day of capturing in the blue skies.


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Nathaniel Linville

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