Report from Dotty and Fitz, fishing yesterday

Report from Dotty and Fitz, fishing yesterday

Yesterday I fished with Jon Olch. We began by looking for bonefish, and while I have found many at our location in the past, we were there on slack high water and we didn’t find any. I did, however, manage to fall of the platform while pushing the boat.
After our bonefish look we went to a point to find some ocean swimmers; while we did find a few, we couldn’t pattern them and gave up in search for another area. We soon found a nice group of tarpon, but most of our shots were to fish swimming away from us–not the best way to get the grab. I did manage to catch one out of a string that gave us a god angle, and after the fish stopped swimming we went to our bonefish spot once again to look for them on the falling tide.
Oddly, there was not a single bonefish to be found on the entire flat, though we did push the whole thing just so we could be sure.
Later, we went to look for more tarpon and didn’t find any, calling it a day soon thereafter.
I had great time with John and Dermin (who was nice enough to push us around all day, especially once I went swimming), and would like to thank them for the great day on the water.

In other news, the following photograph was sent to me by Fitz Coker:

Clearly, Dotty had a phenomenal day on the water, and The Angling Company would like to congratulate Dotty on her amazing captures: two (!) african pompano, a 36 pound kingfish, and a 38 pound kingfish. Every one was a record, and Dotty is 4 away from having 100 fly rod world records…congratulations Dotty!

It’s overcast today. I may be fishing later this week with Fitz and Chris McCreedy. Reports will of course follow.


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Nathaniel Linville

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