Fishing Lately

Fishing Lately

Over the last few weeks, Ian Slater and I have been getting out a lot. We’re deep in preparation for the upcoming Golden Fly tournament, which is in two weeks and has felt much longer than that away for some time.

We’ve been giving our attention exclusively to tarpon, which is normal for May, and despite the larger-than-normal number of visiting ‘guides’ and anglers down here the fish have arrived and are making things easier than they were at in April.

I fished a pair of days with Ian last week, and on one of them we were joined by Dave Dalu. Readership needs zero introduction there, as Dave has appeared in these pages in the past, but it is worth mentioning that Dave has continued to be a friend and an angler to look up to for me. We had a long, fun, fish-filled day, the highlight of which for me was watching Dave catch a 110-pound fish (that he hilariously thought was much smaller until we grabbed it and took a measurement). I caught a smaller fish, and then lost a giant to a class that had abraded on something on the bottom.

The shop has been busy and I’ll keep up with these pages as usual, but the next report worth reading will probably be the Golden Fly Results + Our Fishing report that will crop up near the end of the month.

I’m on twice weekly with Ian from here on out, trying to make something happen in the tarpon tournaments.

More to come,


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Nathaniel Linville

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