Fishing this morning

Fishing this morning

This morning I woke up to a phone call from Captain Mike Gorton, who had a trip booked today with anglers that didn’t show up. Since he was all set to go, he rang me up to see if I wanted to get out for a few hours. With the vote today (if you don’t know about it, here’s the short version: myopic business interests want to “study” whether or not they can dredge the channel further to get more cheap tourist dollars here from more cruise ships. People object. The public votes today.) I was stressed out, so I jumped at the opportunity to have a few hours thinking about something else.
We only fished for a few hours, but found a few permit nonetheless and caught a nice bonefish before we headed home.
Tomorrow I fish with Doug. We will also know the results from the election tonight, and I will post the results here.



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Nathaniel Linville

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