Fishing with Chris Trosset/looking for sailfish PM tarpon

Fishing with Chris Trosset/looking for sailfish PM tarpon

After I returned from the day on the water with Howard and Drew, Captain Chris Trosset called me. He had seen some down-sea tailing sailfish that afternoon and had a few shots with his fly rod; would I be interested in joining him to see if we could catch one tomorrow?
Obviously, the next day we left to give it a shot. I have caught Pacific sails before, but this was a totally different undertaking; these fish were literally tailing their way down sea, large sickle tails and all. We saw maybe a dozen fish and had great shots at two of them, though only one showed any interest in the fly and the other acted like we were throwing pennies at it. It was, however, great to spend a day with Chris and absolutely incredible to see something that new and exciting.
After fishing yesterday I went to the airport to pick up my friend from the airport. Michael Hetzel and I fished together for a great many nights over a year ago; he is back visiting for a few days (we’re slated to fish tomorrow, but the weather may keep us away). We walked our old haunts, and caught three or four fish before retiring; it’s good to catch–both fish and up with friends.



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Nathaniel Linville

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