Fishing with John

Fishing with John

Since Kat and I welcomed our baby, I’ve been able to get out a few days with some new people. As part of a writing project Monte Burke (of Lords of the Fly fame) came down to fish with John and me. We were talking more than usual, but this didn’t stop us from throwing 4# in pursuit of our newest obsession. Monte is a great writer and also a great guy, and while I did most of the fishing he was also cajoled into some bow time himself for a few shots at permit that didn’t work out.

Yesterday I finished two days with John again, this time for the photo part of the same project, and while we weren’t doing as much talking we were doing some photo stuff which was different. We had enough shots to make something happen with, but once again couldn’t close the deal. I’d like to thank William Hereford for putting up with us for a pair of days, and while we didn’t get any permit for his pictures I hope we were able to get enough for what he needed.

Overall the fishing has been steady, but a front made its way down to us during our last day with William and has caused a typical January cycle: waiting for things to improve.
I’ve got little fishing planned between now and the March Merkin, taking the permit tournaments off for while so Kat can compete, but starting the week after the Merkin I have two days a week with Ian Slater booked through the Golden Fly and the Gold Cup. More to come.


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Nathaniel Linville

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